Hello everyone, this is my first post here. I’m from Southern California and I play in a collegiate Taiko group. I’ve seen shamisen from time to time in Taiko performances and I’ve really wanted to start learning how to play. First, I need to get my hands on one.
But of course, I want to find something affordable. Heck, I need something dirt cheap since I can barely pay my rent every month. Most of the money is going to come from selling my bass guitar and some other things. The cheapest one I’ve found so far is this one on ebay for about $200: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Shamisen-soft-case-and-Bachi-Japanes-3-string-instrument-hand-made-/320805454611?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4ab17ec313
Of course, there are a lot of red flags here. First of all, this price seems way too good to be true. Second, the seller misspelled “Japanese”. Lastly, he uses terms like “hand made” and “traditional” rather than giving specific information about it.
The only reason I can think of why it’s so cheap is because it’s made with synthetic leather. How would this affect the sound of the shamisen? Would it be so noticeable that even a beginner would be begging for a better shamisen? Also, would I be able to just replace the synthetic leather with real leather in the future?
Before I consider buying it, I’d like to get an opinion from someone who knows more than me. Also, some specific information about it would be nice. From the pics I can only guess that it’s a Nagauta shamisen?