The Abbott Brothers - Leatherwing Bat

After a sizable hibernation, The Abbott Brothers have emerged from their cave to rock the Don Quixote’s stage!

Oddly enough, it seems that the less often we play together, the better we seem to get as a group (after we shake off some of the rust, of course). That was one of the best shows we’ve done in a while! (and it’s been a long while)

Dude, that was great. I hope you had some people up and moving after that!

AWESOME! Really nice solos from both of you! When will your older brother have a bass solo?

Thanks dudes!

Oddly enough, we don’t seem to get folks dancing. Bass really adds the beef, but when we double bill with a band with drums, they always get people dancing. People like 'em cymbals!

Karl, thanks! Ah yes, Mason got some sweet solo time here. :slight_smile: (as well as some other songs that didn’t get recorded)

Nice! It’s just too bad you can’t capture the awesomeness of a double bass with standard microphones!

That was grand! You lads need to hie to dear old dirty Dublin town and play a seisiun in 19 Chancery Street.
