The Bachido Taikai Unedited - Nathan's Original

Swashbuckling Bachido pirate Nathan hits the stage to play his original thriller, Running Naked Through the Forest Escaping a Monster!

… I have to say “awesome” again :slight_smile:

Nothing wrong with repetition! :slight_smile:

Thanks for uploading this! Maybe now I need to make a song about fighting pirates or something haha

Dammit! I need some PANTS At least! These thorns ya know what I’m sayin? Sticking to my naked flesh ! Sh$t hurts dude! Ouch!
No but seriously…I love this piece bro! Its really good Shamisen music! We need to Skype man!

Thanks Kevin means it means a lot! And yes we do I’ve been busy with my JLPT prep, but I have to breathing room now so I’ll send you a message on Skype and we can work out the details there.

Oh and no…you will get no PANTS!

Nathan you need to get this stuff COMPOSEDIDIZED with the composer so we can play it together! I’m going to try and get some work done the coming weeks on it.

Agree!! Some parts of this tune would sound especially awesome played as a group! Same goes for Jamie Low’s Enter the Tyrant I think! At some point I think it would be very cool to have epic versions of a variety of compositions by Bachido members. Maybe a new section for the website if not on an actual disc etc. although it seems discs may be falling to the wayside in the coming years. Anyway I’m sure Karl has some Awesome original material as well. Aki Ten Ten has some brilliant compositions & Pat Loop Deaton has some cool stuff with his band! I should talk to Kyle more about this.

Karl: Yeah I probably should get this shit COMPOSEDIDZED I would love to play it with others or see what kinda spice they can bring to it . I have been working slow on other projects using you program so I’ll be looking forward to future updates.

As an additional side note, I think its been mentioned but Bachido really needs a database of songs people have put down into notation using Shamisen composer. I know some Japanese sites have “data bases”(Ive seen like …two) but the interface is terrible and usually all the tabbing is being done by one guy so the amount of music that they have is very limited. But Bachido has tons of talented people to contribute, the website looks good and Shamisen composer is easy enough to use that the process could result in the largest online library of shamisen music known to man! BOOM SON!

Kevin: YES! I think I would be really awesome to release like a digital album or EP of some of the bachido members pieces. Its always interesting to see peoples personality in the way they make songs and it might encourage others to try and make their own song more.