Whats up people!
So here are some questions I have been dying to ask for a long time but was too lazy to sit down and write out. Basically, I want to ask anybody and everybody who is an experienced musician on here about practice in general and I would also like to ask those who are experienced in Shamisen if they would kindly shed some light on the specifics of there practice. So here it goes …breaths in deeply
When it comes to practice what is your schedule?
Id like to hear what experienced people have to say this…do you set goals? if so how? How many days a week do you practice? how many hours? How do you deal with days when you cant find time to practice? Whats your general philosophy about practicing? or anything you think is important…
When you do sit down and practice what do you practice?
Did you just go in a cave for ten years and recite mantras until you were epic, or is there more to it? Specific details for Shamisen would be really great here. Ive read Kyle’s book and there were some great descriptions of how to execute certain techniques. Ive also been reading some of Kevin’s posts about how tone is more important in Shamisen than say learning scales. With some really great descriptions of techniques to develop that element. So I’m curious about what the core skills of learning Shamisen are.That’s the question what are they? Any great techniques or exercises? How did/do people who have achieved a high level in this instrument (or any instrument) practice?
From my ten years of experience in Karate it seems that a positive attitude, consistency and masochism…i mean… slow incremental progress are general keys to improvement. But what do you guys think about the specifics? Any help would be great and I hope this will be of use to everyone.