It’s FINALLY here! With great pleasure, I bring to you the first Made in Santa Cruz shamisen - The ShamiBuddy!! (
In the beginning of 2019, I started crafting streamlined affordable models to make shamisen even more accessible for newcomers. Made at my home in Santa Cruz, the ShamiBuddy is a true handcrafted work built with love!
With a ShamiBuddy in your hands, you can begin learning styles like minyo, tsugaru, nagauta, and more! Discover how easy it is to start learning shamisen with your ShamiBuddy!
In chronological order: A huge thanks to local carpenter Jeremy Davis who helped prepare materials and suggest great ideas for streamlined production practices! Highest gratitude to Arthur Mok for filming the promotional video and spending many hours editing to perfection. And finally, 最高est 感謝 to Su Bunjamin who played a huge role in the final stages of ShamiBuddy production (making all the kamigoma, fitting all the sao to the dou, assembling the accessory sets, and much more). Three cheers for Team Effort!