The "Show Off Your Shamisen" thread

I just purchased my first shamisen - and I’ve really enjoyed others’ instruments. Some are old, beaten-up instruments, others unusually luxurious.

Got a digital camera, or a phone? Well, there’s no excuse being modest. (I’ll soon be posting an instrument I purchased from a Bachido member.)

I happened to take this pic trying this method of keeping everything dry during the rainy season. This was recommended by Hogaku Journal. The shamisen is a practice quality instrument–the neck is karin, I think. It is one grade higher than the basic product. I like it very much. It is from Kameya. Oh, yeah, you probably noticed, this is a nagauta shamisen.

These are my shamisen. I have had my nagauta for a few years, but I just got my tsugaru a few months ago. I love my tsugaru so much I made a bachi case and laqured dokake set for it.

Wow, awesome shamisen guys… I could show you my sanshin,but it not so “shamisen” (at least until I play rokudan on it)

Gahhhh… that is such an awesome doukake, Jessica. Very professional.

Well, this is my fleet. The farthest is the first one I made and the closest is the most recent one.

Thanks Kyle! I just wish I had a workshop so I could try to make my own just to see if I could.

Those are awesome! They all look very professional.

Very nice Jessica! I never realized there was such a big size difference between the two types of instruments.

Way to put everyone to shame Kyle :-p Did you make all of those? I remember hearing somewhere that you made at least 3 (can’t remember where)

Shinji, you should post pics of your sanshin! It may not be a shamisen, but it’s certainly a close relative of the shamisen- like a shamisen’s grandpa perhaps.

I will post mine here soon. I am just finishing my first homemade tsugaru, about to start on a second one made of blood wood/ paduak combo, and have a couple nagauta coming from eBay. I don’t know how I will play them all lol.

Admiral Kyle, commanding his fleet of shamisen. Speaking of water, the second one that was too oily to use. Try adding a net to the dou and you’ve got yourself some serious fishing equipment. Just sayin’ brah.

The nagauta one is an old-timer with gangsta scars here and there.
Purchased from Kevin H.
Skin repairs by Jessica D.
Mad skillz wood repairs by myself.

The tsugaru one is a Bachido Level 2 shamisen.

Cody: But of course! Have we not all seen my earth shattering (well, camera shaking) debut into the shamisen world? :stuck_out_tongue:

Though it may be hard to see in the picture, Gwyn, Chris and your shamisen are probably gonna turn out much better (more accurate) than my first three shamisen. On the first one, I had no book, only Kevin’s shamisen to measure and those low quality shamisen making documentary videos on youtube (plus Papa’s years of experience, which was integral). Improvements were just made from trial and error.

You guys have a book to use! Luccckkkyyyy… :stuck_out_tongue:

Shinji: Yeah, post pictures of your axe! And you must make your Rokudan challenge video in the next 10 days. You are an active member of Bachido, after all. :slight_smile: Consider it your duty.

KH: Same goes for you. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: I’m beginning to think your profile picture is your actual face. :wink:
Cool map, by the way. Intentional or not, it’s fitting that the shamisen in front of it. :slight_smile:

Karl: Oh snap, you’re right! I gave it to Grant to use for decoration on his wall. Time to repossess! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

This is a great thread, Steven. Thanks for starting it. :slight_smile:

I purchased a shamisen from a fellow Bachido member, and I’m glad I did. This is a medium-size instrument in kouki. It kept threatening to topple over, so I got Tube Tech guitar stand on eBay. After new year, I’ll start taking lessons.

I’d love to see lots more instruments here.

I love your shamisen Steven! Glad you bought a stand. It would be disastrous if it fell over and broke.