Cody: But of course! Have we not all seen my earth shattering (well, camera shaking) debut into the shamisen world? 
Though it may be hard to see in the picture, Gwyn, Chris and your shamisen are probably gonna turn out much better (more accurate) than my first three shamisen. On the first one, I had no book, only Kevin’s shamisen to measure and those low quality shamisen making documentary videos on youtube (plus Papa’s years of experience, which was integral). Improvements were just made from trial and error.
You guys have a book to use! Luccckkkyyyy… 
Shinji: Yeah, post pictures of your axe! And you must make your Rokudan challenge video in the next 10 days. You are an active member of Bachido, after all.
Consider it your duty.
KH: Same goes for you.
I’m beginning to think your profile picture is your actual face. 
Cool map, by the way. Intentional or not, it’s fitting that the shamisen in front of it. 
Karl: Oh snap, you’re right! I gave it to Grant to use for decoration on his wall. Time to repossess! 
This is a great thread, Steven. Thanks for starting it.