tiny holes I'm my 2 week old shamisen?

こんにちわ みなさん。I was playing my shamisen when I noticed a mark on the corner of the skin. I looked closer to see what it was, and it was a bunch of tiny holes! I have no idea how they got there, seeing as how they are in the corner. I haven’t done anything to harm the instrument and it has only been two weeks. I ordered the basic karin shamisen set with a cheap synthetic skin. Partially because it said it was resilient plastic, and it had a better chance of standing up to weather conditions. I just got it 2 weeks ago and I would rather not have it skinned twice in two weeks. I have a picture attached to this and if anyone thinks they know what happened I would love to know.
(Also the holes don’t go all the way through the skin, but they look pretty close.)


Sorry about the title… auto correct is not the best on my phone.

こんにちわ Jack. Could this be something in the box that touches the skin ? These traces make me think of the ones I made ​​when I transported once my shamisen in a mitsuori case with the bachi coming out from the upper pouch and hitting the skin when I was walking …

That’s what I thought at first as well, but this is the case that I have.


It has a pillow over the dou, so it probably wouldn’t be that…

Which corner is it? Front, back? Up, down, left right?

I was thinking it could be a belt or something.

The holes are on the bottom right corner, if I were holding it like I was playing it. (The corner that sits on the outer part of my leg. Also now the holes have appeared on the top corner of the shamisen as well. (Right above where the bachi should strike.)

Bottom right ? Maybe the nail of your pinky !

Could there maybe be a bug or something in the case that’s nibbling?? Or maybe a kitty that’s clawing it when you’re not around?

I spent about an hour yesterday pulling everything from the pockets, vacuuming the insides, and checking everywhere for little hiding spots and I haven’t seen any. I think Patrick is right it may have just been my fingernail. The only reason I hesitate to say that is because the holes are super tiny, and it doesn’t look like something that my nail would do.

こんにちはJack Barkleyさん!Could those holes be from the tail of the bachi hitting during very dynamic passages?