Tsugaru in Ireland/England

Hello, its been couple of months i havent been here on Bachido. How are you all doing???

I am quite busy with my school work at the moment and havent touched shamisen for over a month. Last time i did was in the pub playing for charity book shop, getting quite drunk so nobody actually remembers it hehe… well it was great, i am sure.

I just got an email from my Japanese shamisen teacher who is coming to Ireland and England to visit and give some concerts…
so yeah ‘The Music OF Asia’ here in Ireland again…featuring shamisen, erhu, sitar…
everybody welcome!!!


http://www.facebook.com/#!/hibiki.kubo A student of Waseda university tsugarujamisen club is now studying in Dublin.

Oh really, thats great…thanks for the info…will try to contact and see whats the story… we could end up with shamisen ensemble in the end …

Wow. That sounds awesome. I am glad to hear about this. Who is your Shamisen teacher by the way? Although I do have one wish in regards to this sort of thing which is that I really hope someday we human beings can realize that it is not just about presenting each others cultures , music and art etc. but rather the point of the world being connected is to collaborate. I love that musicians from all over are eager to present and expose their personal and cultural heritage but it has always seemed obvious that what is being presented is in fact the ingredients for a new type of world music that can embrace a much wider perspective.
Sorry to rant like this. I am actually drafting out an article for bachido at the moment which covers this sort of thing so it is on my mind for now. Didn’t mean to change the subject so early into this thread. Really looking forward to hearing more about this. Hopefully you can post a review after its over. Woo!

i agree and its great that we can get exposed to so many types of music from all over the world. not just by listening to CDs but actually experiencing live performances of musicians playing traditional and exotic instruments, presenting their culture. if lucky, even playing and jamming with them learning new techniques and later adapting it to own playing, creating new styles…

i hope all the performers can attend ‘Music of Asia 2’ and we can have one giant multicultural jam session…yeeeeh…
my teacher is from Kanagawa, living in Tokio, his name is ‘Jack’… i also know a guy from Kanazawa who might come as well, he lives in London now, his name is Hibiki Ichikawa…

have you ever had experience with indian music on shamisen??? i got to know a guy who plays sarod. I will be meeting him for a seminar in summer, learning about indian ragas , melodies and rhythm… looking forward to it…
i also played some chinese music, it is very interesting that they have nearly identical scales and patterns than japanese music has, yet sounding so chinese and somehow different…

Jack, you say… Is he, by chance, ‘Jack’ Matsumoto? http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=389659991715&l=fa4a8d18fc

Wow, enjoy the seminar! It sounds awesome. Indian music would sound great on shamisen, methinks. After all, the sawari from the shamisen is similar to the jiwari of the sitar (there are thoughts that the sawari’s ancestor came from India)

Kevin! Let’s make a Indian song for the new MoS CD!! :slight_smile:

yeah thats him. do you know him???

Whoa! Small world! I met him at the Hirosaki Taikai in 2010 (Jack competed as well) with Kevin, Grant and Masahiro. I think Kevin has known him for a while. Really nice guy, I thought. He’s always welcome on Bachido! :slight_smile:

At that time, he was saying how his compositions were about to be used in all the Sunkus or 7-11s in Tokyo.

Hi, the concert is on!!!

Music of Asia 2, Camden Palace Hotel, Cork, Ireland
14.6.2011, 5 Euro

whoa!! looking forward to it…
i got a poster but dont know how to attach it???

I have to practice a lot now so as part of my shamisen training I have started busking. Its great, its like going back in time and becoming one of the old shamisen tsugaru players playing on streets…
i was a bit worried about my shamisen, cause the irish weather. but should be grand cause my skin is plastic. well is it actually waterproof??

Shweeet!!! Wish I could make it!! :smiley:

If you’d like, post your event in the Local Network page. :slight_smile:

Currently, pictures have to be attached with 3rd party image uploader (flikr/photobucket, etc…). Luke said that setting up a way for people to upload stuff to Bachido directly is a big endeavor for now.

Great to hear that you are back to regular training (getting ready for a gig will certainly do that :wink: ). How do people respond to the shamisen when busking?

I was told that the glue is superglue, so I believe that both the skin and glue are waterproof. I haven’t tested that theory out though. :wink:

in Ireland busking is common, there are many musicians playing on the streets everyday. i did some busking before but never on shamisen. its great practice, and hope i get some drummers playing with me next time so we can have good jam session, while giving out flyers , promoting the gig and making some money… made 1 euro so far, but did not play for long because of the rain… hope its sunny tomorrow…

That is really cool to hear you are busking. I don’t know Ireland that well but busking being commonplace seems to fit my image of the country. Next time bring a camera and share some of those moments with us! That seems like just the kind of thing we would like to have more of on this site!

I love Jack! Haha! I stayed up all night with that guy in an onsen a couple of years ago!
I so wish I could be there to enjoy the music and play with you guys!
I need to start a travel fund for these sorts of situations!

yeah he is nice guy, its three of them coming… i am taking them from the airport straight to the country side of west cork and will spend couple of nights sleeping in caravan and tents on the beach in place called Allihies. cant wait till jamming with jack in the local pub over pints of beamish…

i have some pictures and will take much more next week, perhaps could document the whole week… hmm good idea actually.
i dont know how to upload the pictures on bachido though, would be good to have some kind of gallery, where i could put pictures to tell you the whole story…

hehe, could be fun to do a Bachido Blogcast IRE…

Sounds exciting. I really miss Jack. Was just listening to his new Cd which he gave me back at the Hirosaki tournament this year.
Mr. matsumto ROCKS! indeed!

Another thing to add to Bachido - a Gallery of user submitted pictures. Luke was saying how hard that would be to do, but perhaps it would work if tied in with Flikr or something.

Please please film away!! :smiley: I would LOVE to include your adventure in the blogcast. My vision is to have submitting by many Bachido members. Kevin was waiting until he got over his lisp, but viewing his most recent videos, I think he’s ready for an actual slot on the Blogcast! :slight_smile:
Anywho, please do Sid!! That’s exciting!! Do you have HD capabilities?

We can find a way to transfer footage after (so it can be part of the official episode)

uau, the bachido forum is really busy…i wish i had time to read more…

here in ireland, everything is getting ready for the arrival of Jack and his crew…

dont have the camera yet, but hopefully will get one and do some short films for bachido tv… i like that idea… everybody should do so!!