Tsugaru Jonkara Bushi (Shin)

My schedule has lightened up enough I can get back to my Schoolhouse pieces and I’ve been running through Tsugaru Jonkara Bush (Shin) and noticed something about the fingering. In sections 5-8 I the third finger is being used when moving up and down the sao. Instinctively I would have used the first finger because the ichi no ito requires more strength to push down so I was wondering if there was a reason for this. Thanks.

Hey Joel

to use the 3rd (ringfinger) for the ichi-no-ito is common for this kind of pattern, because in specific songs you can reach higher notes more easily. Then in reverse when returing to position 4 again on the sao, there’s the 4 3 0 hajiki thing, which will be much easier to perform, when you land with the ringfinger on position 4.
Otherwise you would have to move the index-finger from pos. 4 to 3 and that’s additional movement, which is absolute superfluous.
And using the ringfinger for the ichi-no-ito builds up strength in no time, so go for it :wink:


That’s what I was thinking at first, but the section moves up and down the sao with just the ring finger. There’s no switching between fingers when changing positions. The other thought I had later is that you can reach further across the sao with that finger.

Ale, are you Italian?

PIacere di conoscerti (translation: nice to meet you)

@Joel Yes that’s true about using only one finger, but it’s due to how the notes are played. They’re all consequent without any techniques involved, just simple tatakibachi on the ichi-no-ito except some minor slides here and there. So no need in switching fingers.

Well, half of =)
piacere anche da parte mia.

Wow! Fantastic! maybe we can talk in Italian (not here, but PM… I don’t know)