Tsugaru Shamisen performance clothing/costume

Hi everyone,

I’ve had a great minyo experience in Japan these past 2 weeks and at all the concerts and performances I see players and singers wearing nice performance costumes. I’m interested to share this art in my own country.

Does anyone know any websites for either the common minyo black coat and grey large pants for men or any other colourful male minyo performance attire?

I just went to a 4 day minyo contest in Tokyo and it was so interesting to study. Thanks very much.

Hey Alex!

You went to the National Minyo Competition? I’m seriously jealous. My teacher performed there (and won fourth!), but I couldn’t go due to work :/.

I don’t have specific websites, since I’m Japan based and can just go down to the kimono store :p. But I do have some information to help you search!

The clothing you’re referring to are kinds of kimono. Some of which were made of silk, others made from cotton. For men, they’re very simple.

(pardon for the wikipedia link)

The black coat you saw is also kimono, usually called a hakamashita. It’s much shorter than the normal kimono. The gray trousers are called hakama.

If no one turns up with some good links later, I’ll bug my coworkers for advice.

Best of luck

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You can buy kimono on Amazon.


Here’s a hakamasita:

Damn, that link is long. Sorry.

Great links guys thanks. Yes that looks like the style.

I also found a patterned style I like. https://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/aw/d/B00NZQGKMS/ref=mp_s_a_1_395?__mk_ja_JP=カタカナ&qid=1476685428&sr=1-395&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_QL65&dpPl=1&dpID=41WvuZ-1npL&ref=plSrch

And more similar.

Yes it was the national minyo competition. Really enjoyed it. That’s great your teacher placed well. Is he a singer or Tsugaru shamisen player?

I was lucky to have a 2 hour singing lesson with one of the minyo performers from the Asakusa Oiwake who also performed at the comp.

She’s a singer and min’yo shamisen player, but I believe she only sang at the competition (at our last practice she was being especially careful with her voice).

A great site I found and would surely order from there in the near future: http://www.ichiroya.com/

Does “Hakamashita” refer to the whole dress (pants + upper part)? 140kyen sounds quite cheap, when I was looking at hakama the prices that I saw were higher what I recall.

Does “Hakamashita” refer to the whole dress (pants + upper part)?

I think it refers only to the upper part, a long shirt (like a tunic) respectively a short kimono.

If you’re interested in unique vintage and second hand items, I can recommend etsy.com , for example

Don’t hesitate to ask sellers about details, size etc. they’re usually very friendly and helpful! Have fun browsing :wink:

I suggest getting a “samue” which were traditionally monks’ work clothes but now have become casual fashion wear. They can be formal, but not as formal as a kimono with hakama. It’s super cool and flexible, and stylish as well. Come in many colours for every season: https://www.samue-e.com/en/

The clothes Tsugaru Shamisen Player is using, is it special clothes for that or is it just a normal kimono?
Like this kind of clothes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJhlX6Lkq_Y

That is montsuki-hakama.

It’s Japanese formal wear - essentially as formal as a suit. It consists of a kimono with (traditionally) family symbol and (often) pinstripe hakama.

These are paired with anobi, a nagajuban (an under robe), tabi socks, and your preferred choice of underwear.

One wears this at their wedding and for other important events.

(Incidentally, it is what I’m wearing in this profile shot!)

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Thank you for clarifying!! It looks so cool, and expensive. Will do more research on the prize.