Tuesday Jonkara Attack!

It’s been a while, but I’ve made some additions to my rendition of Jonkara Bushi. Here we go!~

Waou !!!

Diggin’ the do, man~!

Thanks dudes!

Adrian, who knows how a simple change like this will affect the tour! :stuck_out_tongue:

Big K. may need a bouncer to help fend off the fans xP

Great! Are you competing solo this year?

Woohoo, rockin’ and stompin’ the house!
Like the feeling & committment you’re putting into this piece.
Nice hairdo btw.

Oh man, the stomp is because of his +1 cool points from the hair. That guy sure can rock!

Big K. may need a bouncer to help fend off the fans xP

Hey, if I could be crowdsurfed from one location to the next (van to the auditorium. Auditorium to the bathroom, etc), it could work out rather nicely. :stuck_out_tongue:

Great! Are you competing solo this year?

I don’t think so. Once was fun and a good experience, but I was happy not competing last year. Just relaxing and enjoying the taikai was nice. :stuck_out_tongue:
Besides, I would have to compete in A class this year, and I don’t stand a chance there. :wink:

Will you compete? You’ve got good tone, I think you could make a good impression! :slight_smile:

Hehe, it’s nice that the fact that I actually have hair is quite an epic do in itself. :wink:

Not this year at least. I think participating in the shenanigans and participating with Bachido will be a good indicator on how it would feel to compete on your own. But thanks :slight_smile:

I must say though, moving the koma closer to the center of the dou really helped in getting a better tone. It’s also a plus for fast parts that you get closer to the koma with your strikes as the string is less flexible there and then you get instant response from the bachi.

Holy Smackaroos!!! Fantastic Jonkara Kyle! Some unique and creative new phrasing ! Geez bro, you really should compete solo this year! It’s not about winning anyway ya know! Either way you would certainly blow some minds ! Plus help to promote Bachido even if you don’t beat out the competition you’ll still make history as being the most awesome dude on Shamisen ever !

Howdy! (Currently in Texas, so I can officially say that.)

you’ll still make history as being the most awesome dude on Shamisen ever

Oh stop it! You’ve already claimed that title, bro! :wink:

I’ll admit, you got my mind stirring on the plane. I guess there’s no actual reason not to do it. True, it would be good for promotion…

The only thing I have to think about is, could I actually do it? I mean, with so much on the plate beforehand, and then so much going on during it, would I even have enough mental space to prepare? Just with all that’s going on… My mind gets so absorbed just thinking about it… can I maintain everything and still compete as well?