

I recently purchased a Nagauta Shamisen. When I disassembled it for the first time, the bottom section of the sao that goes in the do became separated. It looks as though it had previously been glued together but it has now become…unglued. What can I do to repair this.

Fortunately, I am in Japan now and will be here until October 4th. I will be in Tokyo. Is this something that requires a shamisen specialist to repair? Or does it even need to be repaired?

On a separate note, Is it best to leave the shamisen assembled rather than constantly assembling and reassembling to play?

Thank you!

I would take it to Katoh-san (http://www.shamisen-katoh.com/)
It sounds like it needs repairing, whilst in Japan you may aswell take it to a specialist. If you dont you may end up kicking yourself for it if you have another problem down the line. :stuck_out_tongue: shipping would cost a fortune later on if not.

Even if my shamisen was in perfect working order I would take it in for a checkup while I was there. Never know what a specialist would find. If you email him type SHAMISEN in all caps for the subject. otherwise it may be marked as spam by his email provider. Use basic english words and he will understand you better. :slight_smile:

(not sure on the status of his english but i’m sure its coming along great)

Also if you could post a picture of the damage it might help people help you better. ^.^

Also! I tend to leave my shamisen as is when not in use. Taking it apart is abit of hassle but thats just mainly because I dont find it fun restringing itomaki every time I want to play. :stuck_out_tongue: If you look at my videos it took me nearly 4 videos to string them fully! D:

It was the first I ever received / held a shamisen though~

As Cana says, as long as you’re in Japan, might as well go to an expert like Katoh san.

However, that is a rather straightforward joint to repair. Just carefully scrape away the old glue, slather on regular carpenter’s glue (which is the best kind), ensure that the two joint surfaces are pressed together flush and clamp. It should be good as new. :slight_smile:

We had the same thing happen when I got mine from eBay. It was broken in THREE places (including the EXACT place you just specified). A little sobbing and wailing got me plenty of support and advice from Bachido members. Some wood glue and clamps, and a husband with a large workshop, and shami was good as new, for just the cost of the glue.

Great!!! Thank you everyone for the responses!