Meet Bachido member Jack Barkley, a young student of Kevin Masaya Kmetz who is both incredibly passionate about shamisen, and is incredibly brilliant! Jack assembled a team of friends who want to make a groundbreaking change to the shamisen world…

Synthetic Bachi molecularly identical to real Bekkou!!!

That’s right, this GROUNDBREAKING development could bring us all the unique qualities prized in bekkou bachi, flexibility and strength, without harming a single tortoise ever again!!!

Click here!!! -

This link is to a international design competition that Jack Barkley and his team have entered, and they have been selected for the winners of their category. This means that they would win a U.S. patent for their creation if they win!

If you’re a shamisen enthusiast or care about the future of this instrument and/or tortoises, please go to the link and vote on the Bachi3D project!

Bachi on!!!

awesome and done although “you may vote as often as you like” sounds like an invitation to spend some more time on this page especially in case taxi business should turn out to be slow tomorrow . . . :slight_smile: