What book is this

So I have an idea of which book this image came from, but would anyone be able to confirm? I want to say it’s from 「三味線をはじめよう!」 but don’t have too much to go off from.

You can see a little of some inside pages on this Yahoo auction.
The pages look like look like they are a different layout so it is probably another book. http://page22.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/l347323383

This looks like a good book though, so I’d be interested if you track down whatever book this is from.

Hi David!

Well, I can tell you now that it is the same book. I had accidentally added it to my cart while shopping on Amazon Japan. >///< but it’s a really good book, very detailed with a nice layout, but a ton of Japanese that I don’t know ( it’s going to be good practice though). But thank you for the help!

Haha. Excellent! Once you know the how to read shamisen tablature you don’t need to understand too much Japanese.

Nice find!