What kind of wood cleaner is this?

Hello everyone!

I came across this wood cleaning product and was wondering what it is? Does anyone know what it is based on, like what ingredients/chemicals and if it is really worth it? Thanks for any info! :slight_smile:


It would not surprise me if it was simply an abrasive in a soft wax or oil. You can tell it is abrasive as there is the distinct sound of abrasion while he cleans. I myself make something similar with the residual powder from the stones I use for sharpening my tools. I mix it with some linseed oil (any oil would do) until it is a thick paste and use it exactly as he does to create or refresh the polish on my instruments. If you don’t have a fine sharpening stone available, you can purchase very fine pumice, which, will do the job just as well. :grin:

Kinda off topic, but have you ever used a “Magic Eraser” sponge? The secret to how well it works is that the foam is naturally abrasive, so it is like using really fine sandpaper! Cleaning (chemically, like soap for washing greasy dishes) vs. abrasion is often very ambiguous on the labels and in the marketing of products.

As you can see, nice and SHINY!

Thank you for clarifying!
I thought it might be something very simple with no magic involved :smiley: The mixture with wax or oil sounds really good, I should try that.

Oh, “Magic Eraser” sponge!:smile: We use that at work, but I never thought using it to shine up a shamisen. Worth also to give it a try even though, it makes me sneeze a lot.

By the way, is that your finished tenjin? Looks awesome! Crisp clean cuts! And SHINY indeed!