who can translate that please ?

who can translate that please ?

many thanks !!

Those photos aren’t easy to make out; the flash really obscures what is written.

So far I’ve got “Jouhachi (something)” (丈八-something) on the first picture, which is a given name. So it’s either the maker or the the owner.

As for the second photo: most of the complex kanji are either hidden behind the flash, or too stylized for me to make out.

If you could get closer shots of the individual characters using a softer lighting, I think we’d be able to make more progress.

yes, I will make other photos , thanks !

I look forward to seeing them~

Yeah, unfortunately it’s way too stylized for me to make out…

Maybe someone else who is better with traditional writing styles can pitch in…?

Your last photo looks上(somebody noble) XXX. 様(sir or madam)
Middle XXX cannot be read.

somebody noble ? … waoh !

many thanks !!

Angus: as far as I learned Japanese traditional language, somebody noble means Shogun, or some SAMURAI head in some area.
Or can mean just SIR or Madam(^_^)
Anyway, I am so happy to be any help.

many thanks for your help. !

My pleasure(^o^)


Oh man, thanks for the insight Kyoko~!! I was totally unaware about that little factoid. Makes sense now that I think about it xP

Adrian, I am always feel so happy to know there are earnest non Japanese who learns a lot about our language and culture.
Looking forward to seeing you again in May(^o^)