Wood size and type

Hello everyone,
I am looking on information on what size of wood that I need to build my dou. While I wait on my book to come in. This will be my first build as well as first shamisen. There are a few types of wood im looking at from osage orange, canarywood, and a few others. I would be grateful for any advice given.

I’ve no business giving advice but I am in the same boat: I have my book and my templates and I need to go shopping for my wood.

I’ve held off for a months because Kyle mentioned on Instagram in January that DIY Shamisen Kits—complete with wood!—are coming to the Bachido store.


If you don’t want to wait you can start by looking at a janka scale. Generally, woods rated above 1500 will be sufficiently strong for use in instruments, but not so hard that you wear out your tools half way through your project. Make sure to check for the hardness rating with whatever supplier you choose. The same species of wood can vary depending on country and year of origin.

African Padauk and Purpleheart are readily available. There is also perennial fingerboard favorite Rosewood (a.k.a. Shitan).

Personally, I looked at Bloodwood and Brazilian Cherry but when I saw the janka rating (both are close to 3000) I ruled them out. I don’t think my sawing arm is up to that challenge. :sweat_smile:

Personally i wanted to go for a higher janka rating just for durability of the wood. Seeing as i have 3 little ones running around that like to mess with everything. I want a wood that could withstand bumps and brusies from my three. I also had the horrendous thought of maybe going iornwood or lignum verta if I spelled that correctly. But from what i know those are some of the hardest and most difficult to work woods.

information on what size of wood that I need to build my dou.

In SoJ Kyle recommends 113cm long x 21.6cm wide piece of 8/4 lumber for an entire shamisen with a 1-piece sao.

I recommend waiting for the book and going over the instructions before purchasing your wood. When you see what’s involved you might be willing to go with a wood slightly softer than Ironwood or Brazilian Walnut. :sweat_smile:

Thank you for the board info. I am looking at making a 3 piece sao. Im also looking at trying to skin it myself so it should be quite an interesting process. I will keep updating this with my progress.

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In Japan, the most common woods for shamisen dou are called Karin (really padauk) and Shitan (a kind of Asian rose wood). The former is much more common.

Both Burma and African Padauk are currently in use, with general preference for the former (although it’s much more difficult to source to my knowledge). Per Wood Database, Burma Padauk is ~2150 (9,550 N) and African is 1710 (7580 N)

I would target this neighborhood of hardness if you wanted to match what we tend to hear here in Japan - although I’d bet you can get a good sound out of a lot of stuff as long as you skin it properly.

When you say this are you talking about planned or rough sawn lumber? The reason i ask is because planned is 1.75in while rough it is 2 in thick.

With the wood selection the osage orange is a lighter wood that is around the 2400 and was looking at it since i could get it for a decent price and the is just for the dou. Im looking to use two different woods of similar hardnesses for the sao.

I missed the dou specifics on page 13 of SoJ when I commented earlier:

  • 8/4 Wood (2) — 22cm long x 10cm wide
  • 8/4 Wood (2) — 21cm long x 10cm wide

I’m not sure if this answers your question. My gut instinct says he intended ‘planed’ because it’s much easier to deal with, but hopefully someone with more knowledge on building will comment.

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Heres some progress I made. I tied my first neo. I think it turned out quite well. What are your opinions on how to improve it?

Looks like im going to be up for the challenge because i found the perfect size piece of jatoba (brazilian cherry) in my price range and i bought it. Looks like im going to be in this for the long haul haha.

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