Worst crunch ever..

… on myway out I happend to pick up my shamisen ( the koma falls on the floor and I did not see it) as I put the shamisen back down my shoe crushes my poor bekkou koma! :X

made me feel sick seeing my 2nd koma having broke! my first I was glad was broken (stupid plastic one that kept eating my strings) and now my one i love is broken too… I have just repaired it and it works fully again but its heavily glued…Dropbox - Error its cracked in about 5 different places. I superglued and hot glued it back together and its working and is going strong…


hopefully it lasts! :slight_smile: it still sounds lovely

I’m always afraid that will happen to me!

I got one for you. I was moving into a new apartment back in December and I got all my loose Shamisen supplies and put them in a box and in my haste I tossed my Bachi in there too.

I was walking down the stairs toward my car, the bottom of the box gave out. I didn’t here a crunching sound but more like someone dropping a plate. The entire top half of the bachi shattered into a million pieces.

I keep what’s left of it on my nightstand as a reminder.

Fun Fact: If you take the handle of your bachi and run it along the neck on top of the strings you can get a really cool “Dobro” Effect!

Ouch - did that to my plastic (cheap, thank goodness) bachi. Was playing outside, and I dropped it onto cement. One of the edges just shattered, but that was okay, because I had the other edge.

The next day I was playing outside again, and boom, bachi drop, this time on the OTHER side - both corners shattered. So I took it in my husband’s workshop and sanded it all down, but it was all crooked and gross. So, now that’s my emergency travel bachi, lol. Thank goodness, right after that, two good bachi came up for sale on Ebay. Those NEVER travel even two feet without being in their case with the protective wooden thingie on.

(Protective wooden thingie … that’s a scientific term …)

KOMA-y god!

Good that you managed to fix it!

Yea luckily even though it was horribly damaged it was not shattered :x they were still held apart somewhat, so I was able to hot glue it well enough, and its still as flexible as when I got it ~ however it is not flat against the kawa until I tune the shamisen now…

that is due to the new slight bend in the base. when its tuned there is no difference from when I first got it.

Aww snap. :frowning: (no pun intended)

Good job with the superglue! Always feels good to be able to repair your gear. :slight_smile:

My near-disaster of the year - I had my shamisen on the floor as I unpacked my luggage. I had many things in my hand including a pair of sharp tweezers. Well, as I stood up, the tweezers slid out of my hand and went point first downwards… one foot from the dou!

I once sneezed while drinking tea and found tiny drops of tea on my shamisen accross the room! Despite having covered my mouth. No damage though

Thanks for sharing! I now feel totally at ease with having dropped a cell phone into a cup of coffee once … :slight_smile:

Thanks for sharing! I now feel totally at ease with having dropped a cell phone into a cup of coffee once … :slight_smile:

My dad totally does this… often!

If you ever find yourself totally without a koma you can always just carve one out of a twig. I had to do that once while touring Scotland because the Airline lost my luggage which contained all my Komas.

If you ever find yourself totally without a koma you can always just carve one out of a twig. I had to do that once while touring Scotland because the Airline lost my luggage which contained all my Komas.

I remember :slight_smile: I carved myself a twig koma and its the legendary stick koma native to the UK, it only comes in birch.

I do have my ivory and my other plastic one too for backup alongside my twiggy.

You guys are making me laugh and cringe all the same time. :slight_smile: