Yoshida Brothers "Change" feat. Monkey Majik "song notation help"

I’ve been wanting to learn how to play this song. But my ears get some parts of the song. The rest I can’t figure out.

in the beginning part - I noticed that their tuning seems very low.
Don’t tune your shamisen according to the Bachido tuning system.

I had to tune my shamisen according to how they sounded - Anyway

So far in the beginning part “I sort of got some parts of the beginning”

------------------4-3-0- {This parts repeats couple times}
-------------3-4-------- { not the zero the 3 4 4 3"Hajiki" 0"Hajiki}

Then continues with…


(After that then I’m lost)

all I can say when you tune your shamisen - tune to Kyle video when he plays Rokudan -slow, medium, and high speed video (for some reason the tuning sounded very similar to the Yoshida Brothers song)

Sorry the part 4-3-0-0-0-0 (the zero are all Hajiki) similar in the song from Rokudan