Amanda: Hahaha!! Well, you know, a fresh, Single Origin (meaning, not a blend) light roast is so fruity, it almost reminds me of a tea. Plus, it has antioxidants as well, like tea.
The coffee bean is a fruit, so good coffee should taste fruity, not “brown.”
Okay, back to a more serious, yet just as light and somewhat on the same page, yet more shamisen-related, note.
As I practiced the coffee grinding song an hour ago, I thought, should I play it while I grind, or record it first and overlay the song into the video?
Recording the track first will sound a lot better, and I can make it more artsy. However, the live element will be gone. If I play it live, it’ll potentially be funnier, but most likely more mistakes from the pressure. (which does add to the humor)
Everyone, let me know. It’s your choice!