Bachido! my videos are up ^^

part 1
the rest are still uploading
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5
part 6
part 7 (probably wont be done downloading for abit)

sorry for the wait, uploading takes a long time, its also uploading in HD 1080p, then i’m updateing the lighting
<3 Hope you guys enjoy it and are able to give me advice
i play abit in video 7 at the end… but i may upload another video today with me playing.

Cool! I was hoping we would get to hear it. Could you include that in a future video?

You can never have enough spare paper :wink:

So did you get it assembled? It didn’t look like it fit. It should not fall off like that…

I’m glad for you , it must be delightfull to finally have your own Shamisen :slight_smile: even if it looks like it needs some woodworking but nothing fancy.

Cool! I was hoping we would get to hear it. Could you include that in a future video?

you will ^^ i have 7 and… im playing in a few of them <3
took abit to play infront of people but it wasnt that hard :slight_smile:
just taking forever to upload them all hehe
all recorded last night

Also my shamisen is fitting perfectly today i guess it just needed that extra push ^^ its 100% fitting and the strings really make sure it doesnt come apart too

Your shamisen looks really nice, I’m jealous!
Can’t wait to hear you play!

Sometimes they just need that little push for the sao to click into the dou. If you have trouble with the strings coming out of tune a lot, remember to yank on them a little bit while you keep tuning them up so that you get all of the slack out. It’s always that way when you have new strings or you take the shamisen apart and put it back together.

hehe <3 thanks :slight_smile:

will be interesting to fit the twisted itomaki ill be getting to it sometime, will do that in abit :slight_smile: going to walk down to the store get some coffee.

Will remember that grant ^.^ thanks

… It didn’t look like it fit. It should not fall off like that…

Karl, on a new shamisen, it should definitely fit, However, as the instrument ages (I mean years, not just a few months), what often happens is that the wood shrinks/dries out. So that makes the hole slightly larger and the rod slightly smaller… It’s quite common (at least on the jiuta and nagauta shamisen I have worked with over the years) for the box to sometimes be loose like that. (I believe it can be fixed in Japan, but usually just leaving the strings marginally tensioned before storing stops the doh from falling off, which is a cheap enough alternative for this player… {s})

… It didn’t look like it fit. It should not fall off like that…

Karl, on a new shamisen, it should definitely fit, However, as the instrument ages (I mean years, not just a few months), what often happens is that the wood shrinks/dries out. So that makes the hole slightly larger and the rod slightly smaller… It’s quite common (at least on the jiuta and nagauta shamisen I have worked with over the years) for the box to sometimes be loose like that. (I believe it can be fixed in Japan, but usually just leaving the strings marginally tensioned before storing stops the doh from falling off, which is a cheap enough alternative for this player… {s})

I see! I just recalled the feeling when I put mine in, as it had come loose during transport (or was shipped slightly apart to not stress the instrument). I guess resin can be used to make it tight?

That instrument looked very nice, so I thought it was new as well!

oh good to know :slight_smile:

by the way, ive shown the videos to kameya site, and they are under the belief its a minyou aswell.
i have noticed the hatomune is looking nagauta with the sharp point…

i have yet to find a minyou design guide that shows you how a minyou shamisen looks like.

i have noticed the hatomune is looking nagauta with the sharp point…

Cana, the hatomune on nagauta is the “rounded”/radiused one, it doesn’t come to a sharp point - see here:

Congrats on your new shamisen! (Are the neighbours as pleased as you are?? [lol])

Woooooh together at last! Now get playing so we can hear what it sounds like :stuck_out_tongue:

just got it in hon tuning :slight_smile:
i saw the nagauta’s abit pointier in look its why i called it sharp abit in those pictures. it looks similar to that one.

haha dunno :stuck_out_tongue: i did hear banging downstairs against theyre roof… but between us i havent heard a thing ^^;;

Man UK houses are so bad :slight_smile: I remember staying at this hotel in London. Two men walked into their room next door. I could hear them more clearly than I could hear my girlfriend who was with me in our room.

One day it started leaking water from the ceiling in the bathroom. Apparently the people above were showering with the door to the shower open. He didn’t explain to me why they never fixed the hole.

Our view from our windows was a pair of tall buildings in the process of being demolished.

One day our electricity went. The guy in the lobby couldn’t even find himself to the fuse box claiming “I’m no electrician”. I noticed the electricity in the output on the wall was on. They lended us one of the lamps from the lobby.

Also, one faucet for warm water and one for cold, seriously?!?!

Oh yeah, only 1 layer of glass, meaning cold windows.

To be fair, my friend in London said that what I experienced wasn’t directly standard in real homes.

hehe will send yea pics of my new house, this is my bfs house, i have noticed the two taps when i first arrived in the uk it was kinda creepy