Bought "Shamisen of Japan", by Kyle

I recently ordered Kyle’s book, Shamisen of Japan, from Amazon since they offered free shipping. The book arrived today in the mail!
Very interesting and informative book indeed!

It inspired me so much that I promised myself to someday make my own tsugaru shamisen! Until now I’ve made only nagauta shamisens.

I recommend the book!!!


Thanks for your glowing opinion, Nick! :smiley:

I must admit, when I read the title "Bought “Shamisen of Japan”, by Kyle ", my first thought was, “uh oh, I hope nothing else is wrong with it.” :wink:

Haha I thought the same thing Kyle.
Glad we have another happy customer out there! Woot!
I keep mine next to my toilet.

Excellent! As I say, it makes for a great bathroom reader.

haha goof balls ^.^
I still plan on getting a book sometime just i hope to have a job before i spend. (£19.00 in my bank account and no food in the cuppboards or fridge) ^^

No worries bro!! It’s not going anywhere. :slight_smile:

Btw, how are you going to college then? :wink: