cracked sao

Hi all,

So this afternoon I found this nasty surprise in my sao after I noticed that if felt wiggly… I’m not sure how it happened, if it was a bump or temperature related. Has anyone ever had this happen? If so any tips on fixing it? It’s still playable, but I’d like to fix this before the hirosaki taikai.

Thanks for any suggestions you can give!



Probably more temperature than a bump. The left side of the joint looks a bit uneven actually. :-S Anywho! The main problem actually looks quite easy to repair. Regular carpenters glue (which is shown to be stronger than epoxy or hide) and a solid clamping should bring it back to action!

Lucky that you have a little more than a month to get it fixed, eh! :slight_smile:

Unlike computers or girl problems, anything involving wood is usually fixable!

That sucks man… Hope it is fixable!

looks like a super easy fix to me as Kyle mentions perfectly clearly above which then brings the question of why would I bother everyone with a completely superfluous posting and the answer to that is that, Kyle, you’ve written ‘eh’ on two posts I’ve read this morning which means that you are now officially eligible for Canadian citizenship and I am obligated to let you know about it. So’s all ya gotta do is head down to your local Canadian consulate, wearing your bunny hug (which is canuck prairie talk for ‘hoodie’) and a toque (pronounced took which is a wool knit hat), tell them you’re here for your free citizenship papers. They’ll probably ask you if you’re sure about that. And then you just need to say, ‘O yeah, fer sure, eh.’ and then you’re off to the races. You can then sit on your chesterfield (couch) where you can eat poutine, dill pickle and ketchup chips, watch real football (or hockey but that’s a given) and buy your beer economically in two-four (24) size so you treat your friends (expected) when they come over to do the same as mentioned above.
But you don’t have to. Sorry.

also don’t for get to bring your knapsack to carry your mickey of rye.

… and his Hudson Bay blanket to keep warm in our frigid North. (And don’t forget to keep apologizing for everything all the time, eh - Canadians are so/overly polite, or so I’m told everywhere we go…) :wink:

o yeah eh. Hudson bay blankets are great. sorry. eh.

hey guys! so yesterday I took it to my local (still an hour away) wagakki shop. they too thought it was an easy fix (but also told me people dont often fix karin cuz its cheap…pshh). I am glad that I didn’t go a head and do it my self though. The guy told me that glue alone wouldnt cut it he thought…I would have been down to try anyway, but with the taikai looming, im glad to have it done for me and without the trial and error. The added bonus of using the shop was that they lent me a shamisen to practice on while mine is getting fixed! So, yeah, all seems to be working out.

Thanks again for the help!

Well, I’d be skeptical that “glue alone wouldn’t cut it.” I mean, I’m sure he might refinish that area, but what else would you need?

That said, can’t argue with a loan-out shamisen! :stuck_out_tongue:

If I may pry, how much did it cost?

Yeah, true. I would have chanced it if it wasnt for the deadline…and the loaner was the deal maker. I actually dont know yet, and still have the option to back out and just glue it on my own. ill let you know when i have a quote! should be sometime today.

That’s a good point. I’m all for DIY, but better safe than sorry, especially when there’s a deadline.