
J’aimerais savoir combien d’entre vous utilise le français comme langue maternelle. Je tente de voir quel pourcentage des membres de Bachido est francophone. J’ai une idée de projet dont la réalisation dépendra des réponses obtenues.

Merci pour vos réponses!


Just out of curiosity, I would like to know how many of you uses French as their first language? I am trying to figure out the percentage of francophones members in Bachido. I might have a project related to it but it will depends of your answers.

Thank you for your answers!

Watashi !

Bonne question tiens !

Même si je cause tout le temps en Anglais sur le forum (en même temps je ne suis pas ancien sur Bachido) ma langue maternelle reste le Français.

Du coup je suis curieux de savoir quel est ce projet !!!

I do ! lol Je suis français.

Bonjour. Je réponds très tardivement. Français également !

Merci Fred! Mieux vaut tard que jamais. :wink:

Oh no! I studied French at school but don’t remember nothing except bonjurr, salut…

. . . about the same here :wink:

I love French when I studied it. Now I am on high school and cannot study it

Merci pour votre réponse :wink:

De rien… (did I write well?)
Ah, Jacynthe… you said to have an idea, a project… but only with people who can speak French?

This project was written so I had to pick up one language. I am always opened to do projects in english or japanese too. :smiley:

You can send me private messages instead of writing it here since it is no longer related to the main subject :wink:

I can’t send private messages… I sent a private messageon my mobile phone, but I was tryging and I cannot do it anymore…
If you want, you can send me an email, because I can send and receive mails from my client

Jacinthe said that you could send a private mail instead of been off topic and you can easily do that through bachido. There is a mail option in the front page. No need to use another device than the one you use to post a thread in bachido.

I have accessibility problems, because I use a screen reader being blind

But you can access to this forum. From all the pages of this site you can access to the mail option. That’s close to the place where you can write your profile… You created your profile there too… Can’t your screen reader see the little enveloppe there ?

I can access to the forum. If not, I could not post anything. Anyway, Jacynthe, you can contact me from my email ale2001.d@

In case anyone try to reach Sakura, remove the space after the @ in the address and it should work.

Sakura, I sent you a mail so you have my address.

Thank you for your mail, Jacynthe. I replied
In this community, I am discovering lots of things I didn’t know before

Je suis nouveau et Francais