Help with Shamisen skin part of construction

Good Evening

Nice to meet you all. I have skimmed over some of the posts here and everyone seems very friendly and helpful.

I apologise if this question has been asked before, but when constructing a shamisen is it possible to construct the Dou then send it away to have the skin put on it? The skin part seems to be the most complicated part and more seems to go into the construction of the stretching frame, pegs, clamps, twists etc then rest of the Shamisen! Sorry if this sounds really lazy, I just doubt I would be able to do it correctly!

Thank you for your time.


Hi Tegan!
Jessica Dowd, a memebr of Bachido, can put the skin on Shamisen.

More expensive way is to send the dou to Japan.

I have put the skin on shamisen several times but I did it just for my shamisen.

BR! Nick

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Hi Tegan!

Welcome to Bachido!

Kudos for being on top of this, Nick! :slight_smile: Yeah, I’m sure Jessica would have no problems skinning a homemade dou. :slight_smile:

We also provide an accessible way to have shamisen skinned in Japan with natural skin as well as the new FiberSen synthetic skin. :slight_smile:

hi there Tegan
Yeah, reskinning is the part i’m most nervous of too!