Hirosaki team 2013! Skype invitation!

Hey Bachido members! This one is going out to all members who are planning or interested in joining us at Hirosaki and possibly Kanagi next spring for the first ever Bachido group performance!
Recently I met with Anne in Sweden over Skype to work on Kita no Hibiki. The session went so well that I realized that anyone else out there signed up on the team who has Skype should Definately contact me and scheduale a session. I have a video planned which I still haven’t finished which will be posted here for additional instruction but in the meantime if you have the ability to get on Skype and have time to practice by all means send me out a PM !

Oooh!! I better sticky this.

Holy Duck Dumplings! I got Stickiiiiieeeeedddddd!

Holy cow!!! No Skype for myself(>_

Oh no Kyoko San ! Please get Skype. It’s pretty easy!

Oh, is it, Kevin san??? Well, let me see … And try.

What is your profile name in skype Kevin?

Oh, yes it worked very well! We’re already planning for the next session. :slight_smile:
Go for it guys!

So what are the details?
And would there be a PDF floating around to start brushing up?

Kyoko san, you can get Sype for iPad (free). Check the itunes/app store and follow the instructions. Hopefully we can meet up some time as I am only in Gifu :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Josh san, thank you for the iPad Skype info. I will check it out.
And Gifu- Aichi area meet up is just what I was thinking about! Pat san is also in Aichi!! Let’s have pre Aomori Taikai gathering somewhere, around Nagoya. (^O^)/

Successfully introduced Skype!!! Thanks a lot(^o^)

What is your skype name? What a fantastic opportunity!

Les go les go les go! Just gimme the jikan and I’m in. Maybe PMs for exchanging skype names?

Since this is of interest for all Bachido members I would ask you all to write down all the good tips that helped you learn the song so that it can be shared. Recorded video feed of the sessions would be awesome.

Hello all,Sorry for interupting,I’m a friend of kevin and kyle,I said I would join!Actutually It’s my first time to aomori,so I wanna really looking forward to joining!Will us play kita no hibiki Hirosaki and possibly Kanagi? If so, I’ll learn by heart.
PS I uploaded Jongara kyu-bushi oyama style on blue book of oyamaryuu, niagari hen.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N5U6AuWDLSY

Hi Toshi san! You aren’t interrupting. :slight_smile: I look forward to seeing you at the taikai and to actually meet you in person.

Yes, we will do Kita no Hibiki for both Hirosaki and Kanagi. With potentially 10 people playing the full version (and the other 11+ people playing the solid base section which Kevin is composing), we should have some incredibly awesome harmonies (almost like Bulgarian choir!)

Great Jongara kyu bushi! And you can do it all while looking straight ahead! Sometime’s I’ve tried to keep looking straight, but my eyes always drift back to the sao. :wink:

thanks! i already have your book, where can us confirm the score and music of hirosaki and kanagi tournament?

Ah yes! We will probably using the same notation from the book (and again, Kevin will make new 初心者用 notation to be used along side). There may be a few changes to add harmonies and things, but it won’t be much different from the book. :slight_smile:

Hey Toshi Shamimaster! おひさしぶりです.Great to hear from you. Yes. Kita no Hibiki ! Looking forward to seeing you again soon.

…probably using the same notation from the book …

Not to sound like a scrooge, but would those without the book ahem, myself, be only practicing during the meet-up? Or will it be possible to attain a bookl-ess copy of said song to practice before then?