I made a booboo

Anyone out there with knowledge of kokyuu, erhu, or violins? As I was racing for my flight gate to go home for spring break, somewhere along the way, my newly acquired kokyuu bow got some unwanted pressure put on the curved part of it, and snapped.
I’ll put up a picture when I can, but what it looks like to me is that the curved section was made via curving some wood (looks like bamboo or something) and gluing it to some frame, and then wrapping that up with some thick string. Anyway, I know that after being snapped it won’t have the same elasticity, but I need to find a way to get it back together in way that can take the tension the bow needs to take-
Sorry if that wasn’t clear, I’m working on a picture.
Thanks for your time-

Do you think you could afford another bow as a separate piece? I know Chords Canada sells Kokyu by special order. If all else fails you could e-mail Linda Caplan about obtaining a replacement bow. As far as fixing it goes, I have no idea. Her site is http://chordscanada.com/

She might be able to help.


Not to pull business away from my dear friend Linda, but we here at Bachido sell Kokyu by special order as well. :stuck_out_tongue:

A cheaper and possibly faster method could be unwinding the rope, replacing the bamboo/wood strip with another piece (perhaps you could reinforce it with metal?), then wrapping it tightly again? It looks potentially quite easy to fix.

I think the wraps are glued on, but yeah I’ll look into unwinding it. In the meantime, I PM’d you Kyle. :o

Sorry about that Anthony, I know virtually nothing about wood working. All I knew about was where I’d seen a Kokyu. It’s a good thing Kyle rushed in to save the day.

Haha don’t be sorry, thank you~

You’re welcome. Just wanted to help if I could. I had no idea Kyle had access to Kokyu accessories. Personally this was the first time I’d ever seen one. What brought you to this instrument? If you don’t mind me asking.

Eh I went to a store to buy some Nagauta strings, they had a kokyu, I bought a kokyu. :stuck_out_tongue:

Anthony, hope you get your bow fixed soon!

Thanks Linda, you guys open tonorrow right?

Yup, Mondays to Fridays. (A quick note, tho’ - I’m away tomorrow and also, as Rachel pointed out above, we don’t stock any kokyu-related stuff, that’s by custom-order only. So I don’t want you to waste a trip up, in case that’s why you’d be coming…)

Oh, no I was trying to call- I had some questions.

Anthony, how about PM-ing me - after all, I don’t think it’s quite fair to Kyle for us to have this nice little chat in the public Bachido forum… :-/