I need tips for Hajiki (also for holding a bachi)

Hello, been awhile since I’ve been here.

So I’ve been getting back into playing shamisen recently and I have a problem with trying to perform hajiki (pull off). Specifically performing it on the on the first and second strings. I can do it fairly well id’ say on the third string, and i’m able to get a nice twangy sound with a similar loudness to striking the string, however I cannot seem to do it as well on the the first and second strings. The strings usually move too much with my fingers and I cannot really pull off on the strings with enough force. The sound usually just comes out muffled and dull. It sort of makes songs like Kuroishi Yosare Bushi sound worse when it comes to the sections that require hajiki on the second string. I’m not sure if it’s just a matter of practice, or if my technique is just wrong.

As a side question: I’m not sure exactly how to hold the bachi. I’ve tried several ways, and looked at a bunch of videos with mixed results. I’ve seen some people hold it with their pinky finger tucked all the way in so that the first section of it is the part holding the bachi with the thumb on the edge of the bachi. Then I’ve seen others hold it with the second section of their pinky and their thumb on the flat of the bachi. Like I said, I’ve tried both and I find the first method to be more comfortable for my fingers and wrist and is more stable (as in my bachi doesn’t get stuck as often). I’ve also tried using the second section of my pinky with my thumb on the edge and that seems to sound the best, but it gets stuck more often and is more uncomfortable. I’m just not sure exactly how I should be holding it, and more precisely, I don’t know which fingers I should be using to apply pressure to actually hold it.

Any advice on either/or both subjects would be greatly appreciated.
(Also, I’m using the plastic tsugaru bachi from the store since money is kinda tight, so maybe that is part of the problem?)

Hello Tino,
For hajiki, you can try this:

Hope this helps :slight_smile:

Hi Tino,

After reading all of it I think a picture or even better, a video, should be put here so we can see what you do.

Personally, for the left hand I try to keep my first finger parallel to the string and put just enough pressure to get the sound. If I put too much pressure, the string tends to move. I use the first finger to keep the string as stable as possible and flicker with the 3rd finger.

I used to do pull off and hammer on before but it is a bit different on the shamisen. You need to go down towards the ground (not sure if it is clear in writing but if you could see what I mean you would understand).

Also, because of the space between the strings You don’t have the same space than when you play on the 3rd string. This is where a video would be most useful for me… I could see what you do and try to be more specific in my reply.

As for the Bachi, everyone have different hands and fingers so I think it is natural to see different way of holding it. Even though you feel it is not so natural at the beginning, It is important to keep your thumb parallel to the top of the Bachi and not perpendicular. In more advanced techniques you will slide you thumb a little alternating from the tip of the Bachi to the usual place in order to get certain sounds effects when alternating between mae bachi and ushiro Bachi.