Making a Shamisen

Sooooo, just got, “The Shamisen of Japan” book and I’m starting to gather materials. Where do y’all recommend I get the brass pieces (sheet metal, rectangular tubes, etc.) Please write me with suggestions, or better yet, Tell me where you get them. :wink: Thanks team!

Joel Mankey

Also, following Kyle’s directions, it says you need a planer, but I can’t find where you use it? Do you just plane the Hardwood lumber before cutting it? What’s the deal there?

BTW thank you all so much for blazing the trail, and making this once seemingly ridiculous plan an actual possibility. I’m super-stoked to replace my Sanxian with an actual, home-made Tsugaru Shamisen.


Hi Joel,

You can find all that stuff at the local hardware store. At least, that’s where I found it all. :wink:

Ah yes. The planer is used to get surfaces flat and straight, as well as rounding the sao. However, if you are good with files, that will work just as well.

It’s so great that you (and others) are making your own shamisen!! When I wrote the book, we (my family and I) figured that maybe one or two people would try it out. So results far exceeded expectations. :slight_smile:

Warm fuzzies!

Hey Kyle,

Thanks for the support man! I just bought 2, 8/4’s of padouk (for the inevitable screw-ups) and I’ll be documenting the whole deal for posterity.
Turns out my pops already had almost all the tools required! SCORE!


Joel, I want to see the progress. Can you post up a few photos periodically in this thread? Thanks. I want to build a Tsugaru Shamisen someday too and I hope your photos will help me out in that endeavor. --Chris

Chris! Long time no see! I hope you’re well! I’m already halfway down that road, it turns out! Thanks for your interest though. It’s inspired me to make a blog about the experience with a log of all the concerns and issues I encounter along the way. the url is I’m new to this blog thing, so if anything appear wonky or wrong with the blog, please alert me so I can address. it. Thanks!

Sweet!!! I look forward to following your blog!!! :smiley:

(Awesome kanji on the sao piece, btw :wink: )

yes! Same here! Look forward to seeing the results! It`s exciting to hear about the book Shamisen of Japan and stories of people who are following the instructions for making their own!!! (round of applause for Kyle, everyone!)

Best of luck Joel Mankey and keep us updated when you do finish it!

i could not use a chisel or plane to save my life, so i used a good table saw and band saw for 90% and drill,sanding disc and square file for the rest, and lathe for itomaki, i admire anyone that can use handtools,if there is no more electicity i,m coming to live with ya all

Chris, I don’t know if you’ve been checking the blog, but since you asked me to repost in this thread, here it is!

If you check up right now, you’ll be just in time to see my first major booboo!
Maybe I can re-title the blog “How not to make a Shamisen” :wink:

@Brian, I would use the heck out of a band saw and a lathe if I had them, and throw the planer and chisels out the window. The only saving grace is that they were my grandfathers tools, so at least I can take comfort knowing that he’s watching over me as I get carpel tunnel syndrome from planing :slight_smile:

Joel, did you ever finish making your shamisen? I looked at the blog, and it looked great. (Hard!)

Joel, please, send more pictures of your shamisen!