My current shamisen construction project

My current shamisen construction project.

I’m making both the dou (body) and sao (neck) from African padauk (Pterocarpus soyauxii).

(EDIT: Sorry, the sao is not Indian rosewood as I wrote before. I made a mistake in haste. The neck for another shamisen I make from Indian rosewood.)

Looking good! How many shamisens have you made in total?

Thank you for these photos! I Really love to see your progress.
MANY PROPS for going all out and making the mitsuori style sao. That is completely amazing!

that wood looks beautiful to work with, can’t wait to see some more progress

Very awesome Nick!! Very interesting rosewood. It could be the picture, but it looks a lot redder than the east indian rosewood I’ve seen here.

Thank you! I checked my message above. In haste I mistakenly wrote Indian rosewood. I correct: the neck (sao) and body (dou) are African padauk. Sorry!!!

Templates for nagauta shamisen:

Tonewoods left to right:
A. Indian rosewood = sonokeling grown in Indonesia (Dalbergia latifolia) Sonokeling is the same tree as Indian rosewood but differs, presumably because of the plantation origins and to some extent climate, in having a broader colour range and a little less hardness and density.

B. Indian rosewood ( (Dalbergia latifolia)

C. African padauk (Pterocarpus soyauxii)

D. Right above: (European) boxwood (Buxus sempervirens) for bachi

E. Right below: (European) oak (Quercus robur) for bachi

Karl, Grant, Amanda and Kyle,

Thank you for the feedback. It’s nice to hear your opinion.

Karl, I’ve made 5 nagauta shamisens. Now there are two under construction. I have no idea how long it will take to get them finished. Beacuse of work my leisure is restricted.

I made the dou of this shamisen (picture below) from wenge and sao from South American rosewood. This is the only picture of it.
I’ve sold this shamisen.

Making shamisen is really fun isn’t it?

But it needs a lot of pratice and dedication.

My philosophy about musical instruments,is to get the cheapest,only to learn to play,meanwhile,keep money to buy a better one.

Your work is absolutely impressive,as like as Kyle’s.

When you make tsugaru,don’t forget to send us pictures of your progress ok?

Wow,2012,I met some great shamisen makers,Kyle Abbot,Gwyn Harris,Nick Kari and many others.

I’ve also heard of Japanese shamisen makers.

Katoh-San,Kimiaki Kohno.

I NEED to play shamisen,I’m getting addicted to it,I even used Niagi(Niagari) Tuning on my sanshin and tried to play Rokudan :stuck_out_tongue:

Thank you for feedback!
Yes, it’s very interesting and challenging to make shamisen. It’s really fun, too.

Oh, it would be nice to hear Rokudan. (You playing the sanshin.)


Fantastic! Hoping one day we will be able to hear and not just see your remarkable work!

Thank you! As I’ve told I’ve a Nagauta shamisen and can play e.g. Kuroda Bushi. It’s a very nice old song. Maybe once you can hear it…maybe.