My Shamisen Build

I just got my Purpleheart wood in! I’m getting ready to start cutting it so stay tuned!

nice man! cant wait to see how it turns out!

Good! With the correct materials you can make it better right?

woow nice! surely you make a lovely shamisen with that! Gambatte!!

Looks so hard work but you really can make it for sure! Ganbareeeei(cheers x5000) , Chris!!!

woohoo all the best! anyone know a good source for koa acacia I officially accept pointers . . . THANKS

Found this for you BH

Nice lookin’ lumber! Ganbarou~!!!

Oh, and feel free to regularly post your progress on this thread. :slight_smile: (I assume you planned on doing that anyway, but just confirming :wink: )

Hola Chris, thanks for the tip looks like a serious source - have you ordered there before? after no luck with carpenters and wood sellers in the area and one online source that fell through I got a tip about a local instrument maker who might know something whether it’s possible to get rather small pieces of koa in austria otherwise I will surely contact the site you have pointed out so again thanks for sharing that tip . . .

@Kyle - That is what I planned on doing

@BH - I have not ordered from them before, just ran across it when I was searching for Bloodwood. Sadly a lot of local carpenters and shops don’t import exotic woods because of the expense and they can’t compete with the online shops I feel.

sadly one of the local wood sellers got a whole tree of koa but would not want to chip of a little piece . . . so close and yet so far :slight_smile:

Sorry to hear that, well my build just got more interesting, I went to go to my Grandpa’s shop because I don’t have a table saw and my Grandma has the entire shop filled up with stuff, so it looks like I’m going to be cutting it all by hand. By the time I’m done with that I’ll have some really good arm strength!

oh man I did go to a local carpenter that could at least do the rough cutting of the wood with machine saws as for my earlier uh models . . . well nothing like starting out with a piece of wood and do all of the sawing yourself no? all the more you will be able to be proud of the good enough or even great result of those efforts . . .

Update: I’ve been away from my computer for a while because I started school… I got a few pieces cut out before school started, but with full time school and then working full time I haven’t really gotten to do anything else! I’ll try to stop by once in a while when I’m not busy! I miss ya’ll and I’ve barely been here!

Yes! Definately keep us updated!

Hi all Bachido members!

This is first time for me to write here as I just became a member of Bachido. I live in Helsinki in Finland.

I have made three shamisens, first of them more than 20 years ago. Then I used Burma Padauk lumber (Pterocarpus macrocarpus) which I bought in Tokyo. Now I use African Padauk (Pterocarpus soyauxii) for the DO and Indian rosewood (Dahlbergia latifolia) for the SAO.

My shamisen is nagauta.

Best regards!
Nick Kari

(This is a copy of the message I sent to “Building a shamisen” forum.)

Alright…I have been sawing my arm off between work and school and got all the pieces cut…

Awesome man!

awesome that whole thing (and btw as for embedding images or youtube clips I have come to notice that https links don’t work but usually the media is also available via a http link so simply removing the s should get the media to show up in the post right away)

Awesome I will start getting rid of the ‘s’