PANDA Plays Shamisen !!!

Ok ok… It’s actually just ME in a Panda mask. I figured I owe everyone out there who has been waiting for the World Scales Bachido course an apology . Instead of working diligently to finish up the text which Kyle has requested of me I found myself once again distracted by that Wacky Jpop songstress Kyary Pamyu Pamyu. In order to hide this fact from Kyle Abbott (just in case he were to find this video on YouTube ) I created a new identity which I call Ghetto Panda. So if anyone talks to Kyle be sure not to mention that it’s actually me in a mask… I mean what are the odds that a Panda playing Pamyu Pamyu on Shamisen would actually turn out to be Kevin Kmetz Right…?


Thanks Eric! Good to see you again back here on the good old Bachido forum!

OMG that ensemble is so epic (and I’m talking about the threads dayo!) Totally must wear that to Kanagi next year bro! :smiley:

Almost didn’t realize how cool your playing as I’z so distractizzled by the whole… thing!

a panda from the ghetto . . . :slight_smile:

Man, it feels like ages since I’ve visited Bachido.

Go street panda!! :slight_smile:

Very nice,
what else would you do for a Klondike bar? :stuck_out_tongue:

Cool, KK Panda!! Somewhat he looks human who I know.

This video has disturbed me so much that I don’t think I can play this instrument anymore.

Sorry, this just had to be posted.

OK, that’s the last straw - Kevin, will you marry me?!?!? {lmao}

(Kyle, it’s all your fault, I just can’t resist a shamisen player dressed up like Tony the Tiger…!!)

I SAW THAT LIVE! (the one at Fanime) That’s like, either just before or just after I met Kevin.

And truth; Ghetto Panda is pretty awesomely creep. It’s too good-bad!

Linda, you are so Sweet!
Thanks everyone! But now Kyle knows my secret ! Oh No!!!

Linda: He’s grrrrreat! (in bed!)
(Not that I would know of course, but I kinda do anyway.)

Kevin: The only secret in Bachido is the story behind Hikaru. :wink:

Linda: He’s grrrrreat! (in bed!)

Oh well, now that that’s settled… (^o^)

(Not that I would know of course, but I kinda do anyway.)

You just know we want details! BTW, does all of Team Bachido know, too, or are you just “special”? :wink:

You just know we want details! BTW, does all of Team Bachido know, too, or are you just “special”? :wink:

Join us in Team Bachido - Tour of 2014 to find out! :stuck_out_tongue:
(seriously, you should join us next year. Potentially competing at three taikai dayo)

Kyle (or other team bachido members) …
Right about now would probably be a great time to post a link to that song me, Travis and Adrian performed at the Tatami Room rehearsal/party etc… You know the one.
“Have you ever gone to a show,
And fantasizied about . . .”


You just know we want details! BTW, does all of Team Bachido know, too, or are you just “special”? :wink:

Join us in Team Bachido - Tour of 2014 to find out! :stuck_out_tongue:

Gee Kyle (and Linda) This is a lot of pressure. I mean I love all of you but you know…

Oh well, as long as you all agree to let me wear my Panda Mask…

Well done sir! I say the mask (panda in particular) enhances the experience even more!

Right about now would probably be a great time to post a link to that song me, Travis and Adrian performed at the Tatami Room rehearsal/party etc… You know the one.

Oh yes, I know the one. :wink: That will be coming up two episodes from now! :slight_smile: In fact, that episode will be soley dedicated to your vocal debut!

Kevin, though you swore that we were finished with Pamyu and would move onto another artist next year, I have a feeling that we’ll still be covering another Pamyu song 50+ times… but with Panda masks each time! :smiley: