Shamisen construction Youtube videos

Hello fellow shamisen enthusiasts
I recently came across this series of Japanese videos on YouTube showing a luthier making a shamisen. Watching him made my hands itchy!

I had a bit a look before posting this, sorry if this is a repost!

Hi David!
Thanks a lot for very nice videos of making a shamisen.

cool I haven’t seen them earlier and welcome to the forum . . .

Oooh! This is really cool! I haven’t seen any shamisen making documentaries since that tourism-tokyo web series, about 5 years ago. This is nice as it’s higher quality, and the craftsman talks about the process as well.

I like how the title of the series is in English and the rest is in Japanese. :wink:

Many thanks for sharing, David, and welcome to the forum! :slight_smile:

Wow, this is an amazing find!
I love it!

I just found another series of shamisen making videos. I really enjoy watching these :slight_smile:

Ah yes! I watched those videos a LOT when I was making my first shamisen.

I just found another series of shamisen making videos. I really enjoy watching these :slight_smile:

AWW! I would post them after this weekend! But i was fearing that someone already did it. so it was you???

Ok then, thanks for sharing :stuck_out_tongue:

Sorry ^_^; I just did a random search for “jiuta shamisen” and they showed up in the suggested videos.

I was doing some random googling. Found this which might be interesting:

Awesome video’s

Nice. I like how his shop’s sign is shaped like a bachi lol

Nice. I like how his shop’s sign is shaped like a bachi lol

True story!