Shamisen Skin

i have a question about the shamisen skin,
I have buyes a vintage shamisen of 1980 on ebay, but there is the problem that the sink is very old and yellow, so i would ask if its possible to paint the skin. If its possible what type of colour i can use? At the beggining i wantend so apply a new skin but where i live its not possible. So i really would to paint the skin in white. Can someone help me?

Thank you in advance.

Painting it will solve no problem,the skin still has big risk of rupture,why is it prohibited? We from bachido may offer some solutions.

I wouldn’t paint the skin because the PAINT ITSELF may cause damage to the skin.

Oh sorry,sorry…I’ve forgot…

Welcome to Bachido Luca!

Ok, Thank you

I live in a little town in north italy and im the only shamisen player in the radius of hundreds of kilometers… So there are no possibilities to repair a shamisen

what would you suggest as an alternative to paint?

Do you really need to get it white? You can send it to Japan,only the dou,and get it skinned.

I would never paint the shamisen,so I can recommend you nothing.

Ok Thank you

I agree with Shinji on this one. The best thing to do would be to just ship your dou to Japan and have a new skin put on. As long as you have access to a post office then it shouldn’t be a problem.

Or maybe you could try to re skin it yourself. There’s no use in painting a worn out skin.

Ok i will inform ma by the post office, thanks you

Luca, welcome to Bachido!
Even the painted dou would look nice the sound would be worse.