UK exotic hardwood suplier

Just found these guys in the UK, they have a great range of exotic hardwoods and in another section they do guitar wood blanks too.

I’ll eventually get round to trying them but thought it might be a useful reference for us.

A very good resource for europeans, thanks for the info! :slight_smile:

oooo thankies amanda :slight_smile:

hmm my favourite of those is a janka scale of 995 is that decent?

Thanks for the great link!

personally i think anything over 900 is nice an cool

African Padauk is around ~1700, methinks. Kouki is… ~3900? (Bloodwood is around ~3800, so can be a decent substitute)

Ooh! They have Snakewood?? Luckkyy…
Amanda, a snakewood bachi handle… When you are ready to make your signature bachi, use that. :slight_smile:

I like the look of cocobolo (and the name is pretty cool!) supposed to be good for instruments and easy to work with and Janka Hardness: 1136.

that snakewood IS pretty!
The cocobolo is another scrap i have to play with along with olivewood and some wenge/african ebony
there are so many i want to try!

anyway thanks for that link I didn’t see koa but maybe I shall settle for something else I will check it out in detail or maybe I get off my lazy ass and seek out koa seriously sometime online . . . :wink:

Three years ago I found this timber company in London, UK:
I bought sonokeling (Indian rosewood grown in Indonesia).

I know one timber company in Finland. They have 40 different kind of exotic hardwoods. Last monday I bought padauk and veneer of kingwood. I paid 25€ for padauk of 1000mm x 160mm x 52mm.

contacted them for koa and might order something they got in store anyway funny enough their “stick maker” section got standard measurements of pieces I could use . . . :slight_smile:

so again thanks for the link and that finnish company you mentioned Nick doesn’t have a website I guess?

Yes, they have website in Finnish. Unfortunately only the summary is in English. They told me that the padauk wood I bought has been in their storage (about +16C) for 15 years.
If you click “tuotteet” you can have an idea of the timber they sell.