What is it called when you rub the string the stretch the note on Shamisen?

And where can I learn the proper technique? I keep seeing Shamisen players almost edging the chord of the note to give more flavor to the sound, but haven’t seen or heard anyone talk of it as a traditional technique. I’ve tried to replicate the process with a bit of result. anyone?


I must assume you mean yuri.

In it’s most essential form, it performed by only barely moving your finger on the tsubo (position). You may think of it as an outgrowth of suriage (slide down) and surisage (slide up).

You may also think of it as a shamisen’s vibrato.

As Reigen describes here:

Sorry for the wait!
Thank you so much! This does shine a little light, although I don’t speak Japanese so I can only auto-translate and try my best to understand what comes out.
Either way, my “Suri” needs a ton of work until it sounds like anything other than Shamisen terrorism, so I’ll keep at it.