wood identification

Hi there
Once again I’m counting on the knowledge of specialists of Bachido : can someone tell me what wood is this ? I hope the pictures are clear enough. Thanks

I would say it’s shitan.
Kouki would defenitely be of a darker color.
But I’m no expert :wink:


Sorry but I just had to…

Thanks but right now I don’t have the book. Ok to buy it anyway, that could be a precious help. I’ll try to find it. Thanks

I have no idea what the book contains. It was the first time it felt appropriate to show that funny image :slight_smile: I’m sure someone on the forums can identify your shamisen wood type.

Haha that picture made my day Karl!

Patrick I don’t really have any idea either. It looks similar in color the wood my shamisen is made of but unfortunately I don’t know what wood mine is.

I’m sure there is someone here with more experience that will be able to help you.

Hi Patrick,
It’s Indian Rosewood (Dalbergia latifolia) or shitan (紫檀) in Japanese.

Hi Cody!
I think your wood is padauk (above) and Indian rosewood (shitan).

Thanks Nick! The padauk above was me trying to compare wood grains to carve a new nakago. Thanks for the ID on the shitan though. That will make it easier for me to make a replacement.

Thanks everybody for your precious help.

Karl: Hahahaah!!! That was precious! ;-D

Giggles aside, I’m inclined to say it’s shitan as well. :slight_smile: Especially from the last shot.

Thanks Kyle