Bachido Mon and AUSTRIAN TAXI DRIVER theme, STRANGE discoveries in Aomori

Shmoolik Kalabasa and Kevin Kmetz from bachido wrote a theme song inspired by BH and his many tales of being an AUSTRAIN TAXI DRIVER!

But on their way to record it they stumbled upon some rather interesting items in a wooded area in Aomori ken, Japan.

The tune is for you BH! So remember it when the producers of Autrian Taxi Driver ask you about a theme song! Haha, hope you like it!

i’d just like to point out there were a lot of mosquitoes there, hence the incessant scratching.

Yes that’s right we gave up our blood to film this!
I got bitten up as well.

haha awesome kevin ^^ i love the tune :slight_smile:
anychance in an mp3 file of it please :stuck_out_tongue: ?
as i was watching i noticed the bachi shaped statue almost instantly then you pointed it out

japan looks soo nice :slight_smile:

You two look so great. I still cannot see the whole DVD cause of our bad radio wave, tomorrow I can, maybe daytime has no problem.
Does Aomori has hydrangea even now as I see some pretty ones behind you? Nagoya’s ones are already gone in June.
Japanese mosquitoes are terrible and well fed with our hot blood! Watch out. (>_

That song really felt like a cool theme! Nice work!

this is so far out! I mean I would have said something nice anyway but I actually also like the actual tune . . . awesome and it even got theme quality too I could imagine opening credits when I heard it :slight_smile:

and you know the often overlooked and not thought about taxi driving street workers are not often featured anywhere so this is a very cool thing from my perspective . . . so Shmoolik and Kev I can only to some degree express the fun and appreciation I have about this clip and for your taking the time and effort to come up with this . . .

a lot of thanks already and while I will need some time for that I am looking forward to shipping you a formal thank you by postal mail too . . .

Cana, as for an mp3 of this great memorable performance . . .

(for firefox browser and I use some other free tool to convert video to mp3 but I think the above mentioned can also do that on the fly)

“We sure could use a taxi right about now.” 笑笑

:-O!!! Oh my… the stone bachi was one thing, but the mon??? That was another early idea! I kid you not!

Along with the Bachi Tower in Sweden, this spot is another landmark for the Shamisen Hajj! :slight_smile:

That’s pretty Kool, looks like some kind of illuminati sign lol

I agree, that looks pretty cool. Just an idea that I’ll try out tomorrow. What about replacing the three circles with itomaki, and just have a plain black triangle in between the bachis instead?

I would like to see that Karl and yeah the location of the video is great almost as cool as the bachi tower of sweden . . . :slight_smile:

What a great tune! The harmonies were really nice.
And what a trippy place to find! I think Aomori is truly a magical place.
And as if the statue wasn’t crazy enough… the mon…?
I’m just getting scared now…

Yeah, that mon… Kyle, I like this one with the three circles. And I like Karl’s idea to try subbing itomaki for the circles, too. Maybe you should move this design over to the Mon topic?? :slight_smile: (with the accompanying vid, of course!)

Actually, I had tried three Itomaki hexagons as well, but one itomaki in the middle seemed more… symbolic than three. Also tried the triangle, but wasn’t so hot about it. :-S. I could try it again though.

Actually, I had tried three Itomaki hexagons as well, but one itomaki in the middle seemed more… symbolic than three. Also tried the triangle, but wasn’t so hot about it. :-S. I could try it again though.

Kyle! did you talked with masahiro about the kouki koma?

Hi Shinji,

Oh snap! I did talk with him about it! In Sapporo, we bought one, took pictures and recorded a sound sample for it.

Unfortunately, I forgot to ask him the price. Yoops! :stuck_out_tongue:
I just wrote him now to inquire.

ok no problem,well,i was wondering about ito…can you ask masahiro if he can get a video of how ito is made?

I don’t think a video like that would be widely available, unless it’s in some TV documentary.

However, here’s a little blog I found about ito making -
