Sweden Shamisen Viking Taikai 2012 - part two (videos!)

Here we go. I’ve spent a couple of hours going through the material we recorded and put together a nice little video. Enjoy and do not hesitate on commenting!

The video quality isn’t that good, but make sure you change to 720!

Fun times! And who knew that a bachi could bounce…?! :smiley:

That’s a great sum-up of our weekend!
Thank you Karl! It was so much fun!
And I learned a lot. I actually didn’t know Yasaburo bushi until we started practising that weekend. Stoked! And proud. :smiley:

Love the bloopers! And the bachi is fine, I promise!

this is amazing, you’re both so good!!

very cool indeed!

Great video!!!
Really liked the fire extinguisher between you both!!!
All I can say is Awesome and EPIC!!! : )

Yes, it was a splendid and beautiful duo! I also love the existence of the fire extinguisher (^∇^)

Thank you all! It was really fun to learn a whole new song together, Yasaburo Bushi and I think we got a really nice sound. It’s a song with a lot of feeling.

Sugoi! Sugoi! Haha! Awesome guys! Sounds great in that room!

Boss! Awesome playing! Very reassuring that you two put safety first, as it’s a fire hazard with that hot playing!

Scarborough Fair sounded great as a duo! Masahiro recorded an original that is very close to that melody. (Kinda wish that we did Scarborough Fair instead, just for the traditional aspect, but Nitta’s creation sounds great too)

Fun bloopers! Thank god for the spongy floor! :stuck_out_tongue:
Hey, that might be something to develop! An “Otterbox” (for Android/iPhones) for Bachi!

I’m glad I managed to show up as well… in print again, just like at the Tokyo gathering. :wink:

great video guys , i really enjoyed this!


You guys have made sure Shamisen playing is FUN with your videos. We felt that we wanted to share that feeling :slight_smile:

The sound was even better in real life. The snaps were really coming through. We re-recorded Scarborough Fair without snapping because we felt that it was too loud for that beautiful song with snaps.

17 hours of shamisen playing generates its fair share of bloopers :smiley:

woah Anne my heart sank when you dropped the bachi! It bounced pretty high though :p. Loving the sound, you guys have inspired me to learn yasaburou bushi properly :smiley:

Liam: My heart skipped a beat when I dropped it… phew! The tatami mats sawed my day. :slight_smile:
I’m happy to be able to inspire to some more playing. I’ve been practising parts of the yasaburo bushi, love the sound of that song.
Today I’ll dig my self into ringo bushi, like the feeling of it!

Karl: Let’s start planning for our next meeting soon! I’ll have a look on my schedule for the autumn and send you some suggestions! :smiley:

Kyle: The Abbot twins! Lol!
You did a great job, by the way! Couldn’t have made it without you!

do you have the tabulature for scarbrough fair? as it’s recognisable to a lot of people, i’d like to learn it when i get my shamisen.
Or can you tell me how to translate from western notation to shamisen tab?

Amanda I’m currently working on the PDF generation of the tabulature creation website I’m developing. I think I should have something working today or tomorrow. I could make a little test with the version we played for you when it is working.

I’ve also developed a program that can analyze MIDI files and find out how you should play them on the Shamisen. It’s pretty rudimentary at the moment but could still be used to get first version.

I tried playing the acoustic guitar part with the shamisen but I’m not good enough to have it sound good, so we decided to just play the vocal part.

holy wow, that’s amazing!

Hey guys! Looks like there’s another shamisen enthusiast in Sweden! Bachido of Sweden is rising! https://www.youtube.com/user/shamisenofsweden

Love it! I think there just may have been a shamisen tradition buried deep in Viking history! :wink: